Stone like me

Stone! tats what my frenz call me. I am a soccer freak. And i am a die hard arsenal fan, Arsenal forever!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tp orientation today!!

Met up with luqman, hanafi, jamal, lutfi, burhan at mac. Had breakfast then walked to sch. Waited for Bobby aziz and the rest. was quite excited man. wah like so many ppl in engineering sch.

So we walked to the engineering block and soon we were seperated into our diff courses. Went into this lecture room under Etcm. Saw hanafi and jamal inside. And alot of ppl were seated alrd. like 100 plus ppl staring at me when i entered the lecture room.Felt abit paiseh since i am like late.. So i quickly registered and got a sticker which shows my class.Q903 lols. Then heard a senior shout 'all those in Q903 follow me.' So i went along. And guess wad. Hanafi and Jamal also went along. turns out they were also in Q903 which is the same class as me!!! wow. Was quite happy at that moment. At least we will be in the same class for the 1st year. Year 1 all learn the same things i think. And 2nd year then we will be split up into our own sub courses. Whooo. haha i seem to be fated with hanafi. Know him since pri 3. And sec 1 we were in the same class as well as sec 3 and 4. And now come Tp still same class with him. Abt 8 years of friendship man. My gd buddy. And nice to be in the same class as jamal too haha.

So our mentors brought us to our class. They started off by introducing themselves and talk abit about what to expect in Tp. And soon some ppl in my class started introducing themselves. My class got a total of 28 ppl. Only got 5 girls in my class. 2 of the girls are korean. And the oldest in my class is one guy who is 22years old. And theres also 2 ppl from my class who are frm ITE and some are from private sch. wow.

So we started to play some ice breakers. Played blow wind blow. And we all anyhow run lols. Those who kena also never do forfiet haha. Then played this game like 7 up. Its called' Go back Go, Go jump Go' or whatever. Its like the game 7 up but its in multiples of 3 instead of 7. And its more fun cuz when u reach multiples of 3 or a number that contains 3, u can say "go" which is to pass yr turn, or u can say "jump" which is to skip the turn of the person next to u, or u can say "back" which is to reverse the direction of the game. Dam funny la. My class couldnt even make it pass 20 because of some ppl like hanafi who keep on sabo the others by saying jump and back. haha. So end up we stopped playing. Our mentors taught us some cheers.

And after that our so called" careperson" for our class came in and talked to us. Told us alot about lectures, tutorials, lab sessions all that. And also talked about our attendance, Cas and final year exams. Wah nid to get a GPA of at least 4 to get a A grade. Nid to work hard man. And after that our class elected our class rep, treasurer and also social rep. And i became the class assistant treasurer. lols. Immediately had alot of work to do cuz nid to collect money from the class for the orientation, books and other stuff. So started collecting the money and also get to know the names of the ppl in my class at the same time. Then after that was lunch. The food quite nice ah. More cheers after lunch. The cheers all about engine sch lols.

So we gathered and went to the sports hall after the cheers. Did the Tp mass dance which i learned in foc. Did another dance which is called the "xi shua shua" dance or whatever. Was quite fun. After the dance i was all sweaty and tired la. Then went back to class to rest awhile before we were dissmissed for the day.

Guess thats all for my 1st day of orientation. My class ppl are all quite friendly. But tmr will be boring cuz not much activities and have to listen to some directors speech or something.

So 2 more days of orientation left. Starting sch on 20th of april which is nxt wk. Have to start to work hard!


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